Our members are the core element of the Danish Church in Australia. We are here because we have members. So no members – no church.
Your support makes it possible to have a place to meet for religious, social and cultural purposes, which benefit our members and all Danes and people with special bonds to Denmark, who lives in Australia.
Our members and their support makes it possible for us to have a Danish minister in Australia. It enables us to offer a wide range of Church Services including baptism, confirmation as well as getting married and buried – by a Danish minister in a Danish Church.
As a member you help ensure that there is funding for a Danish church in Australia. As a member, you receive the Church’s Newsletter 4 times a year, as well as receiving information via email about upcoming events in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane respectively.
Please support us with your membership. Your can become a member or renew your membership here.
Membership prices varies between the 3 locations because there is a different number of activities and services depending on where you live.
You can choose to give a larger donation or a lump sum to the church, eg every month (alternative to the Church tax in Denmark).
You can also electronically transfer the money to our bank account please use the following abbreviations WHEN YOU SUBMIT your payment:
If you have any challenges submitting a payment, please contact us at the Church office at info@danishchurch.org.au
33-35 Hillcrest Road
Pennant Hills NSW 2120
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