Family Service and Fastelavn in Sydney
Join us for this wonderful danish tradition, Fastelavn on Sunday, February 18 at 10 am.
We start with a Family Service at the Church and continue after that in the garden with Fastelavns activities.
We hit the barrol (Slår katten af tønden) based on age groups (3-6 yr, 7-9yr, 10-15yr)
Prizes for Best dressed, Cat queens (kattedronninger) and Cat kings (kattekonger).
Price $10, for children over 3 yr and adults.
The price includes:
For children tøndeslagning (hit the barrol) and fastelavnsbolle (pastry)
For adults fastelavnsbolle, coffee & Tea
Please register & pay before 10/2/24 please choose the number of kids in each age group. Click Here to registre.
For more information please contact the office on 02 9980 8223 or