Seed & Seasalt Crisp Bread
Delicious thin crispbread topped with seeds and sea salt. Stepping up for the planet with a 100% climate compansated crispbread. 100% whole grain and launched to celebrate Wasa turning 100 years old.
Seed & Seasalt Crisp Bread
Delicious thin crispbread topped with seeds and sea salt. Stepping up for the planet with a 100% climate compansated crispbread. 100% whole grain and launched to celebrate Wasa turning 100 years old.
Seed & Seasalt Crisp Bread
Delicious thin crispbread topped with seeds and sea salt. Stepping up for the planet with a 100% climate compansated crispbread. 100% whole grain and launched to celebrate Wasa turning 100 years old.
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Pennant Hills NSW 2120
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