Visit from Denmark – Melbourne
The Danish Church in Sydney and Melbourne is visited by bishop of ‘Fyns Stift’ Mads Davidsen and ‘udlandsprovst’ from Danish Seamen and Overseas Chruches Selma Ravn 7th – 11th February 2024
The reason for the visit is
- to give the ministor church commite advise and the staff possiblity and chance to discus the connction with the congregation and situation, incluing visions for the future. How you as a congregation and the chruch are working together
- that the chuch commitee and minister through discussion with the bishp and the ‘udlandsprovst’ can finde support, guidance and inspiration in the congregation in Australia.
- to increas the mutal knowladge and strength in the every day.
The Danish Churh in Australia would like to invite the congregation, friends and supports of the Danish Church in Australia to joing
The Swedish Church in Melbourne:
Sunday 11/2/24 11am for Church Service and lovely lunch after
Registration is essenssial!
Please send email to and let us know how many will be joining and if its the Sydney Evening or the Melbourne Lunch.